Juneau County Outdoors Forever Conservation Club is excited to announce the construction of a new building on their County Road N Farm. The Facility will be used by ODF as an outdoors education center, and Juneau County Aging & Disabilities Resource Center (ADRC) for their "Men's Shed" program.
This community project is a collaboration between Juneau County ADRC and ODF, with partial support from a Wisconsin Department of Health Services Isolation Grant. To learn more about the Men's Shed program, call ADRC at 608-847-9371.
The 48' X 92' structure is expected to be complete by the end of 2025. Follow the construction process on the Outdoorsforeverclub Facebook page or here.
Monetary donations may be mailed to Outdoors Forever, PO Box 361, Mauston, WI 53948 or here on our Shop Page. All donations are tax deductible as we are a 501-3-c nonprofit organization.
Compeer Financial, Prairie du Sac, WI
William Curran
Gussel Foundation
Robert Strombolis, Mauston, WI
We are happy to host the Wisconsin DNRs Turkey Hunting 101+. Please check out the flyer for information, cost and registration.
Outdoors Forever Conservattion Club is proud to help out the Mauston School District with the Lemonweir Acadamy's Maple syrup Learning experience. The tree tapping started early due to the unusually warm weather. The kids learned how to tap, collect and process the sap down to syrup.
There is talk about making this an annual event, more information as this developes.
On Friday, April 5th., a group of students from Mauston High School helped ODF out with a work day at our Nelson property, located on Hwy 12 & 16 just north of town. The goal was to teach them about invasive plant species and how to help eradicate and or control them. We appreciate their help and hope it was a meaningful learning experience for the group.
One of our goals is youth education. We invite and encourage all area schools to contact us if they are interested in having their students learn more about conservation. Our properties contain CPR, Pollinator Plots, Food Plots and Duck Scrapes. Please contact Tom Jodarski at tmjodarski@yahoo.com to ask what is available.
We are looking for volunteers to assist durring the banquet at the New Lisbon Community Center on March 1, 2025. This will include setuparound 9:30 am and assisting during the banquet from 4 pm until 6:30 pm. Please contact Jenn Rittenhouse at: odfbanquet@gmail.com
Outdoors Forever Clubhouse, W4890 Cty Rd N, Mauston, WI
Mauston PD/YANA Program. To register please call 608-847-9371
Outdoors Forever Clubhouse, W4890 Cty Rd N, Mauston, WI
New Lisbon Community Center
Our Annual Banquet. Open to members only. Great raffles, games and more.
New Lisbon Community Center
Outdoors Forever Clubhouse W4890 Cty. Rd. N Mauston WI 53948
General business along with committee reports to be discussed. All members are encourage to attend. Price of dues will be discussed along wi...
Outdoors Forever Clubhouse W4890 Cty. Rd. N Mauston WI 53948
Outdoors Forever Clunhouse, W4890 Cty Rd N, Mauston, WI
Presented by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Class limit is 25 and the cost is $10 each. See Flyer above under Upcomin Events...
Outdoors Forever Clunhouse, W4890 Cty Rd N, Mauston, WI
Hamm Bros.
Professional Hearing Care
Scully Oil & Transportation
Bire's Northside Mobil
Lenorud Services
L & A Custom Manufacturing
Mauston Plumbing
BTU Management
Lemonweir Valley/Lynxx
Jos. Bollig & Sons
The Bank of Mauston
Lange's Plumbing
Oakdale Credit Union
J & M Collision Center
Brunner Manufacturing
Gray's Electric
Hometown Heating & Cooling
Mr. B's Smokehouse
WI River Meats
Vortex Optics
Royal Bank
Todd's Taxidermy
Mauston Equipment
Mile Bluff Medical Center
Castle Rock Marine
Our Duffy Road property has a Prairie Plants Display area on the edge of the parking lot for public view. Signage for the display is there for for plant identification.
Food and Pollinator plots are planted for 2024.
Was held February first and was another hugh success! This annual event is held at Bire's Pond and we are one of the major sponsors. It is held the first Saturday in February and is usually booked solid. This year's total was 100+. Mr. Smores made an appearance again and is always popular! Prizes, fishing poles and bait are supplied. Normally runs from 9 until noon with a free lunch. More details are available early December and will be in our events calendar.
,, This kids activities event is held the last Saturday in April This year it will be held on April 26th . at the Outdoors Forever Clubhouse on Cty N. Activities include bird house building, conservation discussions by guest speakers and other hands on experiences. New this year will include a fishing station. Our purpose as an environmental organization is to teach our youth about the basics. Average turn out is around 60 to 75 kids.
Every year the club raises approximately 1,650 birds to be released on to our properties and to private lands. The lands we choose offer the best chance at survival rate in an effort to establish a natural flock in our area and provide hunting opportunities. It is not uncommon to see pheasants roaming the countryside of Juneau County thanks to our efforts.
Field day has come and gone. We thank all the participants and volunteer instructors!
The Mauston School system has taken advantage of our properties for conservation classes on habitat, pollinator plots and more.
We invite all school districts in our area to take advantage to incorporate this into their curriculum to show the kids first hand about these important conservation efforts. Contact Tom Jodarski at 608-548-4979
We are a community-based organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place. With the help of our tireless staff, we organize fundraisers, Kid's Day Events, Hunter Safety Course, Pheasant rearing to create a native population and a trout stocking program.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
All donations are tax deductable as we are a 501-c-3 organization